'Year of the Zodiac' Astro-Reflection Journal


In this beautiful 12 page journal, you’re invited to take a reflective wander back through the last year, using the unique energies of the zodiac signs as cosmic signposts.

With Astrological New Year on the horizon (20th March) there was never a better time to pause, take a deep breath + notice how far you’ve come in what has no doubt been a highly transformational 12 months.

Not only will the journal prompts help you notice how you’ve become stronger + more cosmically aligned, but they will act as a guide to show you traits + aspects to develop during the next 12 months in order to level up to be your most successful, fulfilled + content self.

As a cosmic self-reflection aid there really is nothing like it. Ensure you’re completely prepared for the Astrological New Year + beyond with your own 'Year of the Zodiac' Astro-Reflection Journal!

Orders will arrive in your inbox as a stunning PDF on Friday 19th March

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Every year we go through 12 ‘Sun Seasons’ - the period of time the Sun stays in a particular constellation. It doesn’t matter what Star Sign you are - we all feel the unique cosmic energies of this life-giving star sitting in each zodiac sign.

Each sign carries with it a very specific frequency + we have the opportunity to embrace the high vibrations + learn from the lower ones. What’s more, each zodiac sign is an evolution of the one that precedes it, giving us the unique opportunity to check in with our own transformation.

This stunning workbook contains a page for each zodiac season complete with:

  • Richly explained details of the energies that each specific zodiac sign brings, so you can align with them in the coming year.

  • Information about what was going on in the public sphere at that time, so you can more easily navigate your 2020.

  • Journal prompts that ask you to reflect on the specific period of the last year, assessing where you utalised these zodiac frequencies in your own life to see where you were aligned + where you could have been more in balance with the Universe.

  • Journal prompts to reflect on right now to see how you have grown, evolved and still need guidance.

    As a cosmic self-reflection aid there really is nothing like it. Ensure you’re completely prepare for the Astrological New Year with your own 'Year of the Zodiac' Astro-Reflection Journal!