Full Moon in Virgo 'Complete Cleanse' Ceremony

from £8.50

Friday 18th March 7pm - 8.15pm Recording also available

PLEASE NOTE: Any orders placed AFTER 6.45pm GMT will only get the ceremony link and will recieve their Cleansing Compendium after the ceremony (around 9pm gmt). Any orders placed after 6.55pm GMT will only get the recording as the ceremony will have started. Thank you! x

‘Thank you so much. I couldn’t believe what I found myself releasing tonight. You have a gift with your guided meditations truly. Thank you.’

‘Thank you so much for an amazing new moon ceremony Bex. My first time and I will definitely be back. Really powerful, really beautiful, and wonderfully guided by you. Thank you for all your hard work and putting together something truly magical.’

Join the Cosmic Community for an empowering night of cleansing, healing and release as we work with the energy of the Full Moon in Virgo to help shed ourselves of the disempowering beliefs, old programming + ingrained fears we all hold.

In this way, we give ourselves the best chance of success as we embark on a brand new astrological year.

When Aries season arrives on the 20th March it offers the chance for a new start - a fresh chapter for us to think about the intentions we want to set for an entirely new turn around the zodiac wheel.

This is why the Virgo Full Moon is so important!

It’s ideal that Virgo is associated with cleansing, clearing + healing. Think of this Moon like a spring-clean of our energetic frequency before we set intentions for 12 more months.

Before we throw ourselves into the fiery, go-getting realms of Aries Season, we want to make sure we’re as energetically prepared as possible.

We can see the Full Moon as a chance to ‘cleanse ourselves’ of the lingering limiting beliefs and blocks to our aspirations that have held up back this year.

This Full Moon Ceremony will be a bumper deep dive into those limiting beliefs.

The Cleansing Compendium is designed to be your guidebook in embracing positive change.

Mental blocks? Emotional baggage? Fears about your abilities, doubts about your dreams and scepticism about your potential to achieve greatness?


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During the course of this 75 minute ceremony Astrologer Bex (creator of Cosmic Cures, writer for The Express, Metro, Glamour and Daily Mail, appearances at Lost Village and Latitude Festival) will guide you through:

💫 A grounding Earth meditation to help harness the energy of the night and connect to our intuition

💫 An explanation of the astrological significance of a Virgo Full Moon + why it’s so essential we grab this opportunity to cleanse + renew ourselves before the next astrological year.

💫 Specific journaling relating to the energy of the night, to notice where we are still blocking ourselves from happiness, fulfilment & success.

💫 A guided visualisation to help identify where to release ourselves of frustration + practice forgiveness as a tool in striving forward.

💫 An exercise in confronting our inner critic + encouraging our inner cheerleader to cultivate a sense of safety + enthusiasm for the goals we’re making for the new cycle.

💫 A chakra-balancing chanting meditation to cleanse our aura + align ourselves in readiness for a new season.

💫 A Full Moon Burn Ritual to help release you of limiting beliefs in order to move into the next phase of your journey with clarity and power.

The Cleansing Compendium is a bumper workbook designed to be your guide in making positive mindset shifts, identify where you’ve been limiting yourself so you can release these blockages, and set you on course for success when the new astrological year arrives. Included is:

🌺 A complete Sun-season overview of what you’ve attracted, manifested and achieved over the last 12 months as the Sun moved through each of the zodiac signs.

🌺 A House-by-house overview of your successes as well as where you are holding onto frustration from ‘failure’.

🌺 A ‘Celebration of Flow’ activity to notice where the Universe has supported you these past 12 months.

🌺 Personalised tips on how you can use your own Mercury placement in your Birth Chart for further success when the new astrological year arrives.

🌺 Journaling ‘releasing perfection’ prompts designed specifically to your Birth Chart for where this Full Moon is occurring for you.

🌺 A ‘heal + forgive’ exercise to break down where you’re blocking yourself + limiting yourself due to trauma + past pain.

🌺 And loads more!

LIMITED EDITION: ‘New Chapter’ Oracle Card Readings

In these 5-card oracle readings, your Birth Chart will be studied and analysed to provide a cosmic insight into how to approach this brand new astrological year. The cards will focus on 1) Where you’re currently being asked to forgive yourself before moving forward, 2) The major limiting beliefs that are hindering you and need to be shed with the Virgo Full Moon, 3) The key tool to moving past self-criticism and personal blockages, 4) The energy you’re being called to embrace as we enter Aries Season and 5) the major themes that the new astrological year holds for you.

Oracle cards will be pulled over the Full Moon and readings will be available a week later - either in a 6 page PDF or a 20 minute recording. More details on oracle readings are here.