Cosmic Destiny Workshop + Career Guide Workbook

'Career, Cosmic Skills and Star-Aligned Talents’ - making the most of your gifts with the help of astrology!

Wednesday 10th March 7pm

In this 1.5 hour workshop, we’ll be looking at a multitude of factors in your chart that can help you connect with your innate talents, establish whether you’re making the most of your star-given skills, and gain an idea of what you’re ideal career would be according to astrology!

You can also buy the Cosmic Career Guide - a workbook that details all of the specific skills, talents and manifestation magic available to each of the signs. What’s more, it’s personalised with a Cosmic Key!

Even if you're not looking to change jobs, the workshop + career guide workbook is sure to be revelatory in helping you plug into skills and talents you possibly haven't investigated yet, as well as inspiring you for the future if you're feeling a bit ‘meh’ or in need of some motivation.

“Oh my god, today was so brilliant, I read my notes out to my hubby and he was like ‘holy sh*t that’s wildly accurate I’ve been saying some of that stuff to you for years’. Honestly, you’ve blown me away, I’m so crazy, crazy inspired and hungry to know more and learn more!”

'Career, Cosmic Skills and Star-Aligned Talents’ - making the most of your gifts with the help of astrology!

What can the stars tell us about our cosmic destiny? It turns out, quite a lot…

We’ll be looking at a multitude of factors in your chart that can help you connect with your innate talents, establish whether you’re making the most of your star-given skills, and gain an idea of what you’re ideal career would be according to astrology.

We’ll be taking into account factors such as:


💸 The 2nd House: This House defines our attitude to money, how we earn it + how we spend it, therefore giving an idea of where we can best direct our focus to make our fortune! It also shows us the traits we can harness to have the best possibility of attaining what we desire in life.

🏆 The 10th House + MC: This House gives an indication of our ambitions + our attitude towards success. We use this House to determine what career best suits us, and where we will find prosperity. The MC is found at the very top of your Birth Chart, and represents our most ‘public’ selves. It relates to our career or life path + suggests our social standing and reputation.


🌞 The Sun: Since the Sun not only represents our ego-self but also where we SHINE, then we’ll be taking into account your star sign to discover your cosmic purpose, intention + direction. 

🌙 The Moon: By looking at the placement of the Moon in the Signs + Houses, we will identify where your innate skills lie.

💰 Venus: This planet rules art, beauty + money, and so gives some indication as to where our talents lie in this realm, and how we approach finances!

🗣 Mercury: The planet of communication can give us an idea on where best we articulate ourselves, where our skills in conversation lie, and how we can use our voice to progress in life.


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